Wednesday, October 05, 2011

< Tangut 逆轉醇250 工作坊>

Thanks Beauty Exchange for giving me a chance to attend the workshop on 28th last month, allowing me to understand the power of a chemical compound known as RESVERATOL which is found in red wine. No wonder French women have pretty skin and body. :)

The workshop was fun and extremely helpful. A registered pharmacist explained the product details to us. While you can find more details on the product at, I would like to share what I learned about RESVERATOL in the workshop with you here.

According to the pamphlet given, Resveratrol 250 is a product specially designed for Asians. It is created by a Platinum Cell-revival Formula to increase the cellular productivity by activating longevity gene SIRT1, and designed to enhance cell metabolism and rekindle cell vitality.

I am sure most of you have heard of Q10. Resveratro 250, which is blended with two powerful antioxidants - Quercetin and Red Wine Extract, is said to have 17 times antioxidant power of Q10. This special chemical found in red wine can maximize every ingredient’s age-defying performance in delaying the diseases of aging and helping us living a longer and healthier life.

By taking 1-2 capsules of this product everyday, it is said to improve your overall health creating radiant, firm and ageless-looking skin. I have been taking 1 capsule everyday since attending the workshop. It is tasteless and should be taken after meal with water. Though I have not noticed a significant difference to my skin, I must say my skin condition maintains pretty well even without having adequate beauty sleep. So I am pretty happy with this product. I will continue taking this supplement and report here again.

Oh my! Bonne affaire!!

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