First of all, I have to thank a pretty colleague of mine who helped me to pick up this product while I was on my business trip! "Thanks! Mei Lui" :)
Second, I have to thank Bonjour HK for giving me this cleansing product to try. This is my 1st review post, so if I am not doing anything correctly, please yell!
Before I review this product, I want to say that:- I have extremely dry skin, super prone to eczema (right now I have that near my mouth :(), and I only wear makeup lightly everyday.
Let's have a look at the product:-

The product itself is actually quite big, it comes in 500ml and is sold at HK$198, which is pretty economical!

It is gel texture, but not the usual gel, quite a lot thicker than those we usually see, so it stays on your skin quite firmly and you don't worry about them dropping onto your clothes even though you are sitting/standing. One more good thing about gel mask is it will fit all faces perfectly and you can decide which areas of your face you want to put more (which cannot be done with paper masks! at least for me since my face is huge)

I shower, cleanse my face before using this product. As I said I have extremely dry skin, I instantly feel the dryness on my skin once I wipe out water on my face after cleansing. So, I immediately load up my face with Swiss 3 Enzyme Gel Mask (covering all parts of my face except eyes!) which is said to replenish a lot of moisture to skin and lock in the moisture within the skin. The enzyme can also gently remove dead skin cells, leaving the skin purified. I really enjoy the soothing feeling brings by the gel.

I leave them on my skin for about 20 minuties, wipe it off with tissue paper and rinse my skin with water. I was quite surprised to see that the redness of my face dropped quite significantly just after using the product once. My skin feels hydrated and calm. It also eases the little eczema near my mouth. In fact, it is nearly gone. I am really liking this product!!! I think this is a good hydrating mask to be used in summer as it is not greasy at all.

I am going to keep using it for the next few days and will update again!
Before I go, I want to say "thank you" to my big eyes colleague who has been giving me full support in writing this blog. It means a lot to me! ^_^
Oh my! Bonne Affaire!!
I'm impressed by those new products!! It's a detailed report~~
Interesting, I would like to try this gel too!
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